Tag Archives: birthday

The Big Birthday Weekend!!!

Today is my Dad’s Birthday. Tomorrow is mine. And Sunday… the girls turn TWO. I can hardly believe how fast time has flown…

Growing up, my Dad and I always shared our “Birthday Dinners Out” and almost always we shared a cake. Sometimes I hated this but as I grew up it became more special that we “shared” our birthdays.

When I got pregnant, and then married and then moved from the Big City to the Little City, I was finally due to have my very OWN birthday!! Despite saying the entire pregnancy that the girls were going to be born a month early on my birthday – I woke up that morning feeling great! I thought I still had a whole day to get through, but they’d probably end up being born closer to the end of September than their due date of Oct 14th. My very OWN birthday!! I was so excited. What would I do with MY day? I’d have my OWN cake… or cupcakes – I’d have to make it myself b/c Hubby wasn’t going to! I went shopping, walked around the Mall for three hours and treated myself to my favorite Starbucks drink (a triple tall carmel machiatto, yep a triple). For dinner, Hubby and I went to Maggiano’s… we had plenty of leftovers because by then I could only eat just a little bit before I felt “full”. 🙂 We came home, played the Game of LIFE and had some birthday sex. I guess taking a chance with that last one.

Within half an hour after that – contractions had started, an hour after that contractions were still going full force, and off to the hospital we went. 🙂 Sure enough, those girls weren’t born ON my birthday – they were born the day after my birthday.

So I had ONE birthday all to myself and will now share my birthday fun with them forever and ever. And I am happy to do for them as Dad did for me. This all being said…

I can’t believe how time has flown. It does seem like yesterday that we were headed to the hospital, that I was told it would be no time at all before they popped out… and then nearly 19 hours later to have them arrive via c-section. Last year for their birthday, my family came down from the Big City to celebrate. We had a nice sit-down family dinner at our house and spent time with each other just opening presents. My family isn’t coming down this year but we’re still having a nice sit-down family dinner here with Hubby’s parents and Grandpa. I feel like they don’t really NEED a party yet and since there will be no chance escaping parties once they get a little older – for now, it suits me just fine to have only immediate family over for dinner.

I’ve got a lot of baking to do before Sunday… two organic cakes, one for each girl. I wouldn’t dare have them share a cake. 😉

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The Unexpected World of Mommyhood: Intro

This is my second blog… ambitious of me? Yes. It is ambitious of me. I’m the mother of fraternal twins… Juniper and Magnolia. They were born in the Fall of 2007 on the day after my 25th birthday (I went into labor ON my birthday ~ what a landmark day!). And they were very, very, very unexpected! This blog is going to follow my girls and myself as I take this very surprising, tiring, and fun journey through motherhood and newlywed life (one might say we had a shotgun wedding…). It’s really strange to go one day from being a 90lb grass-smoking hippie living in the Big City (dating my long-distance, Little City beau) with two cats and my roommate… to being a 115lb (and trying to shrink!) mama of twins living in the Little City with my now outdoor cats and my indoor, same city Hubby. My life has “flipped turned upside down” to quote the Fresh Prince. Sometimes I don’t know how I dealt with all the life changes without have a breakdown. I must be stronger than I think. I always was stubborn and maybe that stubborness helped me through the biggest changes in my life thus far. 

I’m not sure how much I’ll write but contrary to popular opinion I do have time to get things done, laundry, write, cook, etc…. It’s just sometimes it’s really nice to just SIT and do NOTHING. I deserve it, don’t I? Take a look at my stretch-marks – I DESERVE IT! 🙂

Speaking of time to myself, the girls just went down for the night and now it’s MY time to relax.

I wonder if anyone will end up reading this blog of mine. Hm… 🙂 More to come!

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