Tag Archives: cleaning house

Big Weekend!!

Well, sort of big. Snowdrop is being baptized this Sunday and I’m super excited. Although I will say that I should have expected this week to be crazy. And it was. All this preparation for overnight guests and company. I’m still not finished completing my great “Baby Clothes Project” up on the third floor (Snowdrop’s room and the Guest Room) so currently, I have about six hours to clean that up. Right now… well, right now there are baby clothes EVERYWHERE, not to mention my big bin of pre-pregnancy clothes that I’ve been scouring looking for things I can wear (I AM fitting into my jeans, which is nice – I just can’t put them in the dryer after washing them… and they fit much better after two weeks of wearing and not washing – hey, jeans were made to withstand dirt and little washings!), and… all the baby stuff in general that is up there. One of my sisters and my little brother are staying with us tonight so it’s not a huge deal if I don’t get it organized. Maybe Squash (my second sister, who is staying tonight) can help me. (Next week, however, a good friend of mine from high school is visiting and I’ll be damned if it’s not cleaned up for her visit!!)

Aside from the third floor, I need to finish some laundry and do some general wiping down of the house. Why am I on wordpress? Because it’s lunchtime and the baby is about to wake up and I’m not going to get into a “cleaning mode” right before I need to sit down and breastfeed.

Hubby and I are also going to a concert tonight – sort of one of those unavoidable things, right? We gotta fit that music in somehow! So my parents will relieve our babysitter when they arrive in town after driving here. This will be somewhat awkward for all parties and I hope the kids don’t freak out.

Okay. Time to go, I just really wanted to get in a post while I could! 🙂 Will write about the big Baptism weekend next week! 🙂

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Grandma’s Coming to Visit!

I’m so excited! My grandma is coming to visit tomorrow!! Only for the afternoon/evening but I’m excited just the same. She lives in Florida (as many of the older folks do) but will be in town for some political thingamabob this weekend. I haven’t seen her since before the girls were born AND she’s never met her great-granddaughters!! We used to spend a good amount of time together when we both lived in the Big City. She taught me to sew, to cook a few things, and basically just enjoyed my company. I’m soooooooooo excited to see her!!!

That being said… I’ve got lots to do today to clean up the house and make it look “pretty” for her visit. She had seven kids and never kept a “perfect” house so she doesn’t expect me to have my house that way – but I still want it looking fabulous. 🙂


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